Movivg on, Yay??

So after what has seemed like a long time and yet has flown by, its once again time to say goodbye. I’ve been in Broome for about four months now, slaving like a dog. Every week has been a min of 60h, have worked at 4 different jobs, have gotten out of debt, and saved a little bit. As much as its been hard work, I’ve met some good friends and had some good times.

Especially during the wet season, Broome is a small community where you can get to know most people and get the feeling of being a local. You see people everywhere you go, yet you still can get away from everyone here and there.

I’ve learnt how to handle the heat, to the point where when you get home you set the AC for 27deg cuz that is cool. I’ve also just installed a second battery in my car all by myself! Going to be much needed traveling in this heat for the coolbox. So as long as all the wiring is correct my car shouldn’t blow up! Here’s hoping for the best.

So the journey will being again heading up towards Darwin. Floods, gators, creepy aboriginals, storms, storms, storms… all in my immediate future. Can’t wait! I’ll let u know why no one travels this area in the Wet season… HA

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