
So this is a time where, like in Ms. Lawsons class, I sit down and just write. A Freewrite. I have been complaining a lot about life in the recent days, weeks, months. Not that anybody ever really wants to hear about other ppls problems. So i wonder, how is life so suck? Do cows think life sucks? Do they know they are being raised so that we can suck substanance from thier teet, and eat them, sometimes blue or medium rare? I’ve eaten alot of cow in my life. Can’t say i’ve suckeled the teet much but eaten a lot of cow.  And why are elephants so afraid of mice? Is it the same as how some people are afraid of midgits? So i’m gonna stop my freewrite now mostly because I don’t know where i’m going with it all.

Hrmmm this has given me lots to think about……

2 thoughts on “Freewrite

  1. i must say, i don’t think i’ve sucked an actual cow teet, but i have eaten a lot of parts of cow. keyword: parts.

    i remember those freewrites in ms lawsons class. Man i miss her class, it was fun. I also miss science coop.

  2. I was in Lawson’s class.. but in the other period :(.. I had the brown group.

    But i was in your class in ms. church’s english 12! I remember not wanting to read an exerpt out of a play or book.. and i was all for losing the marks for it.. but i was forced to read something out of no where that I had never read before :S

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