Crossfit….Who’s Fit…..ME!

Well I was waiting for the gym to send me the pictures of my results but that is taking way too long. So after a long and tedious regimen of Paleo and crossfit, the 30 days is up. I can say it does work… Didn’t lose much in weight, only about 2kg which can be accounted for in just a daily fluctuation, but whatever I lost I probably gained back in muscle. Most of the measurements stayed the same. The difference was in the belly and legs. My thighs gained 3 inches. My belly lost 4 inches, and my waist lost 6.5 inches. YAY I feel more toned, but to be honest with the amount of work crossfit is, I better have good results.
So does that mean its back to eating crap? NONONONO… am I keeping up with Paleo? NONONONO….. I will modify the way I eat but I most definitely cannot keep up with it. One reason being is with the added amount of protein you eat my food bill was about $150 a week. That seems a bit high for one person, eating in, cooking their own food.

On a different topic, I’m off on Vacation! I know, “isn’t your life a vacation?” Well NO! I work… when I have too … suckers… I have been offered the opportunity to live on a boat and dive in French Polynesia. How can one decline that? I’ll let you know how that goes. Though I will say this, their money is ridiculous….

Sorry no pictures yet. Internet isn’t that good

One thought on “Crossfit….Who’s Fit…..ME!

  1. You’re a bum….I can say that with authority now….now that I have a job that is more than one hour/week.

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